For the schools - Vascitour

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Marketing and startup

“Tenimmece accussì anema e core”

This workshop is for students that are interested in understanding how to create a startup, which are the marketing basis and social media marketing. Starting from our experience, Vascitour team will tell about the first steps in university, the strategies we tried in the territory and online. This workshop will show you the most important phases that precede the start of a business, using a technical but easy language.


- What is a startup?
- Team: know-how, attitudes and capabilities
- Lean startup method: idea, check and change
- Instruments: business model canvas and business plan
- Possibilities: calls, business angels, workshops and competitions
- What an elevator pitch is and how you can make it

- Esperiential marketing
- Emotional marketing
- Sensorial marketing
- Storytelling
- Corporate identity

Social Media
- How can you use them for work? Economy of words, clarity and different speech

- The importance of networking

Are you a teacher that wants to give to his/her students new ideas?
Our workshop “anema e core” is what you need!
 Complete this form.

W E   W I L L   A N S W E R   V E R Y   S O O N  !


Guided tour in San Giovanni a Teduccio Quarter and in Pietrarsa Museum

During the tour you will know the story of a king’s daughter and the legend about San Giovanni a Teduccio birth, you will know the story about the Vigilena’s heroes and their love for their country.

Spanish quarters guided tour | Heart and soul

We will visit interesting places but above all we will meet the local inhabitants , they will tell us how is the life among the alleys. Street art, miracles, historical palaces and traditional food are the elements that will make us understand how is the life in Naples.

the guest is one of us

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